Collection: Whole/Half/Quarter (WHQ) Cow Program

LET'S STOCK THAT FREEZER! If you're shocked by today's beef prices, consider our whole/half/quarter (WHQ) cow program. 


  1. Cost savings. Quantity makes it cheaper.
  2. Meal planning ease.  You know what's in your freezer.  Now what are you going to make tonight? 
  3. High Quality.  MTX Ranch is famous for the taste and quality of their beef.  Grocery store beef just can't compare.   Also, because you are purchasing all of the cuts from one cow, the quality and taste will be consistent.
  4. Emergency food supply.  It's sitting in your freezer till you need it.  According to USDA, frozen beef will be safe indefinitely. However, for best quality, use uncooked steaks, roasts, or chops within 12 months.
  5. Ability to experiment with different types of cuts.
  6. Knowing exactly where your meat comes from.  Buy it from a grocery store and you won't know where the beef came from.  We deal with one rancher exclusively for this program. - MTX Ranch in Mason County, TX.  (Fun Fact:  Mason County has more cows than people.)

Our (WHQ) beef program allows you to customize your cuts the way you want while securing availability and price certainty.  With the WHQ Cow Program, you can choose how you want your beef processed. 

Delivery for the whole or half cow will be approximately 4 to 6 weeks.  (Upon placing your order, your cow will be picked out of the herd, processed and dry aged for 2 weeks before delivery to our Lakeway location.)

There will never be a better time to purchase a whole, half, quarter cow to secure your beef supply! If you’ve ever entertained the thought of purchasing your beef in bulk now is the time to do it. Beef prices are going up this year - guaranteed.

Experts warn that beef prices could hit record highs this year due to supply constraints.  The latest Consumer Price Index report shows that beef and veal prices are already up compared to January 2023.  Factors like drought conditions and rising costs of maintaining herds have led to reduced cattle inventory, impacting beef supply.  Despite these challenges, consumers are showing increased willingness to pay higher prices for beef products. 

Purchase of whole cow: 

Hanging weight price of whole cow is $5.25/lb.  (Note: The hanging weight of a beef cow is around 600 - 850 pounds. This weight is determined after the animal has been killed, bled, and had its head, hide, feet, entrails, and organs removed.)

Deposit for whole cow is $1500. Balance would be payable upon receiving of the order.  Your order can be picked up at our Lakeway location.

Storage space needed:  Approximately 16 cubic foot freezer.  Depending on final weight.

Purchase of half cow: 

Hanging weight price of whole cow is $5.50/lb.  (Note: The hanging weight of a beef cow is around 600 - 850 pounds. This weight is determined after the animal has been killed, bled, and had its head, hide, feet, entrails, and organs removed.)

Deposit for half cow is $750. Balance would be payable upon receiving of the order.  Your order can be picked up at our Lakeway location.

Storage space needed:  8 cubic foot freezer.  Depending on final weight.

Purchase of quarter cow:

The total price of a quarter cow is $1500.  For a quarter cow, the rancher makes the selection as to the types of cuts included in the box.

Deposit for quarter cow is $500.  Balance would be payable upon receiving of the order.  Your order can be picked up at our Lakeway location.

If you are considering our WHQ Cow Program and have any questions on this great deal or want to discuss the process, please contact us: (737) 209-0309, or Send Email, or come shop at our Lakeway store.